Why Django Rest Framework is the Best Choice for Your API Development

Why Django Rest Framework is the Best Choice for Your API Development

Why Use Django Rest Framework for API Development?


4 min read


The Django Rest Framework (DRF) is a powerful tool for creating web APIs and it has a lot of features that make it ideal for this type of work. In this blog post, we'll cover why you should use DRF to build your next Django project and how it can help you create better APIs.


Serializers in the Django REST framework are used to transform data into JSON, which is the common format for web services. It's a good practice to use serializers instead of models when you're working with APIs because they provide flexibility and optimization.

The advantage here is that it's possible to convert multiple records at once with just one command, something which could not easily be done using models alone.


Django REST framework lets you create responses in a variety of ways. Using the built-in serializers, you can easily create a response from any data model. You can also use the built-in renderers to create a more customized response, including creating your own renderers and overriding default ones for your own use cases. Finally, there are some predefined status codes and messages that will help you quickly generate an appropriate response back to the client without having to write any code at all.


When you want to retrieve data from the database, you can use queries. Filtering is a way of applying conditions to the data you’re querying so that you get only those results that satisfy these conditions.

You can use this to create an API endpoint that returns only the data you want, rather than all of it. This is useful when you have too much information and need to narrow down what's returned or simply don't want certain fields included in your output.

Filtering data in the Django REST framework is a great way to get just the data you need. It allows for easy filtering of results using query parameters, or by filtering both methods at once! Filtering in the Django REST framework has become a breeze since implementing it from scratch is a lot of work.

Easy To Use

DRF is easy to use. You will find it intuitive and simple for building your APIs with DRF. The framework provides a lot of functionality out of the box and you can easily modify it according to your needs.

DRF makes writing APIs very easy because it follows a convention over configuration approach, which means you don't have to write much code just to make things work. Also, there are many built-in features like serializers, validation etc., available with DRF that saves a lot of time while developing an API application.

Admin Integration

Since it is a Django framework, we don't have to worry about admin interfaces as they are built-in for a django project. When using Django Rest Framework, we can use the admin panel provided by Django framework for adding and removing items from the database as admin which includes creating, updating and deleting resources. In order to access this functionality, you need to register your model with the admin module and create a superuser for your project. The admin module provides an interface for managing models through the Django web framework's user interface.

Browsable API

  • A browsable API is a feature of DRF, which allows you to view the endpoints and their parameters in an easy-to-use UI.

  • You can test your API by using this browsable API. For example, you can use it to see what data will be returned from different requests, so you don't have to send real requests through your server. This is especially useful for testing error handling cases because sometimes it's difficult to get responses exactly right when using cURL or another tool like Postman or Insomnia

Authentication and Permissions

Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user. Permissions are the ability to perform certain actions. Authentication and permissions are both important for security. Authentication is used to ensure that a person or service is allowed to access your site, while permissions determine what they can do once they're there.

Django Rest Framework has support for both authentication and permissions built in, which makes it easier for you to implement these features in your API application.

Django Rest Framework is an excellent tool for creating APIs in Django.

Django REST Framework is an excellent tool for creating APIs in Django. It's a library for Django, written in Python and designed to be used with the Django Web Framework. It is free and open source. Many companies use it to create their APIs because it's easy to use and fast enough to build an API.


Django Rest Framework is the best choice for building APIs. It’s the most popular choice for Python developers and has a lot of features that make it easy to use. The Django Rest Framework is a powerful tool that can be used to develop robust APIs which is designed with the goal of making it easy to build APIs with Django.